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First Aiders & Mental Health First Aiders

15th August 2023

Medical First Aid

We have a number of first Aiders throughout the building, if you have had an accident or need some medical assistance please speak to:

Lukasz Golebiowski – Container Logistics

Kim Stephenson – Commercial

Alexander Marr – Director

First aid kits can be located in each kitchen.

Mental Health First Aiders

You may already be aware that we have a number of Mental Health First Aiders on site, they are here as a point of contact for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress, you will find the list of MHFA’s in all toilets, but they are:

Steve Crundwell – Container Logistics

Clare Coomber – Bulk Logistics

Caroline Percy – Doc Credits

Ryan Marrow – Accounts

Any discussions between yourself any chosen first aider will be strictly confidential and we will always do our upmost to help you get the appropriate assistance if required.