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2nd Quarterly Review 2023

13th October 2023

J Marr Quarterly Presentation

Q2 July - September 2023

Presentation Overview

  • Overview of 6 Month performance
  • Performance against capped incentive target
  • Trading commentary, positives & negatives
  • Updated Values
  • HR Update, what to expect from now until early 2024

Overview of Q2 Results

Q2 Cumulative Volume in MT
Q2 Cumulative Volume in MT
Q2 Profit in GBP Graph
Profit in GBP

Trading Commentary

Q2 Overview half year volumes 1
Overview of J Marr (Seafoods) Ltd Half Year Volumes
Q2 Overview half year volumes 2
Overview of J Marr (Commodities) Ltd Half Year Volumes

Trading Commentary, Positives & Negatives


  • Volume up Year on Year for both JMSF and JMC
  • Diversification strategy has been rolled out, and all subsidiaries now trading and starting to generate GP:
    • J Marr Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd
    • J Marr Seafoods Europe, SL
    • J Marr Dry Foods Ltd
    • OceanMarr


    Q2 Margin Stress
    Margin Stress
    • Margin stress (graph above)
    • Currency challenges in Nigeria and Ghana
    • Congelcam Douala port blockage pressures
    • Ivory Coast slow down in access to free funds
    • Cost of funds increases

    Ongoing Actions:

    • Margin focus is a key action for everyone in the business, and something everyone can contribute towards
    • Improving margins is a key focus area
    • Six point action plan in place:
      • Gross Margin %’age
      • Pillars of supply
      • Every dollar matters
      • Trading costs
      • Bank interest
      • Overheads

    Updated Values

    Q2 Core Values
    We believe these 4 principles are at the heart of everything we do and what we will continue to provide both to our internal and external customers and clients. Using these values in your every day jobs, will create the company culture that we should all strive for.

    HR Update

    What to expect from now until early 2024:

    • We have introduced 2 new formats for individual meetings:
      • 1-2-1 informal meetings
        • The majority of employees should have now had a meeting with their line manager, these will be held periodically going forward.
      • Employee appraisals/reviews

        • These will be completed January and February 24, this will be a formal performance review and will be held with line managers.

    Employee Survey

    • Time to have your say! Your feedback is very valuable!
    • We have created a number of questions we would like you to give your answers to, this will be sent out to all employee's w/c 16th October, we encourage everyone to complete the questionnaire and return it anonymously, a sealed box will be placed in the reception for everyone to place their completed forms in
    • Forms should be returned by Friday 27th October.

    Other Future Projects

    • J Marr is actively working on defining its CSR partner for 2024
    • Modern Day Slavery will return as a focus area and be part of our HR agenda

    - End -